When we started our goat farm now 8 years ago, we took the advice of a very dear friend and fellow goat farmer and the advice of our vet and invested in a variety of medical supplies to have on hand on the farm, so that in the event of an emergency or even not so emergency we didn’t have to wait to run into town or wait for a mail order from a farm supply to arrive. All situations where you need medicine in a hurry, usually arise at 5p on a Friday, on the weekend or during the night.
Over the course of the years we have accumulated many more medical supplies in our cabinet and a couple of the more obscure ones have recently saved one of our goat’s lives who had a retained placenta. But the list above will put you on your way to being able many emergencies. The thing about goats is that they have a very high metabolism and as a result can get sick very fast, but can also recover very fast if they receive treatment early.
Since we are friends with our vet and would like to remain friends with him, I want to make clear that even though these are medical supplies we keep on hand here at Serenity Acres Farm, we use those that require a prescription only in consultation with our vet. I am also not including recommended dosages or course of treatment in this list for the same reason. There are many sources on the internet where you can find those.
This list is mainly intended to give you a good base of medical supplies that you should have on hand if you have goats. The following list is also not in any kind of order other than which medications I thought of first. Most of the items on this list are also not very expensive with the exception of Excenel, Baytril 100 and Banamine which cost in the vicinity of $100 a bottle. When given the opportunity, do buy the bottle, considering the fact that a vet usually charges around $15-20 for one of those injections.
We regularly do our own fecals with a microscope and always have wormers on hand to treat if the egg count exceeds our acceptable threshold. We keep Ivermectin, Valbazen, Safeguard and Moxidectin around. Twelve hours of delayed treatment makes a big difference in a goat having diarrhea or just “breadloaf” poops. Valbazen is generally not considered safe for pregnant goats, here at Serenity Acres Farm we use one of the other alternatives on our pregnant does.
We always have Coccidia Treatment on hand. Whether it’s Dimethox 12.5% or Corid, the choice is yours, but the quicker a bout of coccidia is treated, the quicker the goat recovers without dehydration and the spread of the wicked bacteria is more contained.
Pink Pepto Bismol for goats, and it comes in a gallon jug. Slows down the diarrhea and coats the stomach lining to minimize damage from coccidia and worms. The goats hate it and some get very adept at spitting it out and covering anything or anybody in the vicinity, but it’s a lifesaver, literally.
4. Thermometer and Weigh Tape and drench syringes, needles and syringes, a microscope and fecasol
Not medications, but ultra-important to get a goat’s weight so medications can be properly dosed. A thermometer should always be on hand to check the temperature of a goat that isn’t acting right, a high temperature indicates an infection, and a low temperature can indicate a slew of other, often life threatening issues. Drench syringes are needed to administer oral medications, or wormers, or Pepto Bismol. We have 20cc and 50cc sizes on hand. We also have 1 ml, 3 ml, 6 ml, 12 ml and 20ml syringes as well as needles in our supply cabinet including 1 inch x 20 gauge and 1 inch x 18 gauge needles.
Nipping during trimming, a horn bud broken off, you will be glad you have it. A large jar is not quite $6 and worth its weight in gold.
To treat minor abrasions and injuries.
Water based iodine to treat minor abrasions and injuries and to dip navels of new born kids to prevent joint ill. Does not sting like iodine which is alcohol based.
8. Pen G and LA200 or LA300
Three good broad spectrum antibiotics for a variety of bacterial infections. These are over the counter, but you should give your vet a call before administering.
Antibiotic of choice for goat kids, pneumonia and uterine infections.
Antibiotic of last resort and only with vet guidance. Saved our Great Pyrenees dog Big John after he was bitten by a water moccasin last year. Not safe for use on pregnant goats as it may interfere with the development of the fetus.
Two over the counter calcium products to treat milk fever (hypo calcemia). Our choice here at Serenity Acres Farm is the MFO, it is a liquid and we mix it with pedialyte. It is not as caustic to the inside of the mouth as the CMPk paste.
A medication to treat frothy bloat or bloat stemming from other causes such as overeating. Very effective. Half a bottle treats a normal size goat.
Provides longer term protection from Clostridium C & D and Tetanus.
Over the counter medication to provide immediate relief and protection from overpopulation of clostridium bacteria. If you use this product, a goat will have to be re-vaccinated once it has recovered as the antitoxin will negate any protection from a previously given CD vaccine.
For any kind of allergic reaction or stings. You can dissolve tablets or buy the liquid. The tablets dissolve very quickly in water.
17. Fortified Vitamin B Complex (includes 100 mg Thiamine)
Immune booster, stimulates appetite and can be used when thiamine is needed.
To treat anaphylactic shock/ reactions to medications or bites or stings. Use only with vet guidance or in dire emergency.
Reduces fever quickly, reduces pain and reduces inflammation.
20. ToDay Mastitis Treatment & Mastitis Test Cards
To give an initial treatment in case of suspected mastitis. We here at Serenity Acres Farm have learned to always send a milk sample of to the lab in case of suspected mastitis to determine which antibiotic the bacteria are resistant too and which they will respond to. The money spent in the lab fee and postage is well worth knowing if the antibiotic you are using is even working.
This is an over the counter antibiotic very effective for E.coli or other gastro-intestinal bacterial infections for use in kids and adult goats.
In addition to the above “Must Have – will save lives” goat farm medical supplies, here is a list of a few “nice to have’s – will make life a lot easier” goat farm medical supplies we have here at Serenity Acres Farm:
• Red Cell to treat anemia • Vitamin E gel caps to treat turned under feet in newborns • BoSe (vet prescription) for selenium deficient newborns • Molasses, mixed with hot water, for a quick sugary energy boost for a sick goat or one who has just given birth • Hot water bottle to heat chilled kids • Pedialyte for a quick sugary energy boost, to give electrolytes, or to mix with medications • Tetanus Antitoxin • Milk of Magnesia to treat constipation or hard udders when related to magnesium deficiency • Peppermint Essential Oil for hot peppermint compresses to treat hard udders • Probiotic Paste to repopulate the gut with healthy bacteria after antibiotic treatment • Terramycin an over the counter eye medication • Platinum Bio-Sponge to treat overpopulation of clostridium bacteria in the gut • Vitamin E/Selenium Paste to prevent selenium deficiency in pregnant goats
Wishing you lots of luck in your goat endeavor with happy and healthy goats and enjoy our pictures. All were taken by our friend Elyse from Brooklyn, NY during a recent stay. Thank You Elyse.
Julia: Goat Mother and Wwoof Mother
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